Increase Interest in Capital Market, BSO KSPM Holds SPM KSPM 2024

Denpasar, FEB UNUD Capital Market Study Group - The semi-autonomous body of the Capital Market Study Group (BSO KSPM) carried out academic teaching about the capital market in the form of the 2024 KSPM Capital Market School (SPM) with the theme "Building the Explorative Spirit and Awareness of the Younger Generation Towards Capital Markets" on Saturday, June 22, 2024 which took place in the Sudirman Campus Doctoral Building Hall, FEB Unud. This work program has 2 objectives, namely, the general objective to introduce the world of Capital Markets and increase the education of the younger generation about the importance of investing early on and specific objectives, namely to increase insight, understanding, and interest of students at Udayana University regarding the capital market and investment in Indonesia; making investment in the capital market a lifestyle of the Indonesian people not only the elite or exclusive community; and improving the quality of human resources through the Capital Market School event "Building The Explorative Spirit and Awareness of the Younger Generation Towards Capital Markets".

In this event, participants will get exposure from experts in the field of Capital Markets, such as Luh Gede Krisna Handayani, S.E., AWP, CRA, CFP as Executive Trainer of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Bali Branch and A.A. Sagung Istri Pradnya Paramitha, S.E. as Branch Representative of Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia Bali Branch who will discuss various important topics related to investment and capital markets. The series of SPM KSPM 2024 activities began with the opening by MC Performance, the event continued with the reading of the CVs of the two speakers by the moderator. Then continued with the core event, namely the presentation of material for 30 minutes by speaker I, Luh Gede Krisna Handayani, S.E., AWP, CRA, CFP. The material presented was entitled "Smart Investing in the Capital Market" by providing an understanding of important financial life, introducing the world of capital markets, especially the importance of investing, and providing smart investing tips. 

Then continued with the socialization of opening a securities account by division 3 KSPM FEB Unud. In the closing series, 3 winners of the KSPM 2024 SPM games will be announced as well as the handover of prizes and a group photo session.