Ciptakan Harmoni Regulasi yang Sinergis, DPM FEB Unud Adakan Workshop 2024

Denpasar, BEM FEB Unud Press Bureau The Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (DPM FEB Unud) held a workshop on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, which took place in the BH Building Hall, 4th Floor, Sudirman Campus, FEB Unud. This year's workshop carries the theme "Harmonization of Regulations in Synergy to Achieve Quality and Integrity in LMFEB Governance." This workshop activity was opened by Dr. I Made Artha Wibawa, S.E., M.M., as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information at FEB Unud and attended by all supervisors, both lecturers and students. Apart from that, the workshop work event was attended by representatives from nine FEB Unud Student Affairs Institutions, namely DPM, BEM, BSO SdE, BSO Wida, BSO KSPM, Hima Economic Development, Hima Management, Hima Accounting, and Hima Diploma, with a total of 160 participants. offline, 41 committees, and 3 steering committees.
The Unud LMFEB Workshop is a work program held every year by the Student Representative Council (DPM), which brings together all Unud LMFEB to align and agree on updating the Student Activity Guide (Pakem), which will be used as a performance guide for student organizations. at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. The workshop is based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. It is hoped that the LMFEB Unud Workshop can become a forum for all student organizations at FEB Unud to harmonize and agree on regulatory updates that each institution deems necessary to improve in order to achieve effective performance. This workshop was held with the aim of reviewing and perfecting the substance of the regulations for implementing activities at each institution within the FEB Unud environment in the following period.

The series of LMFEB Unud Workshop activities began with the election and appointment of the session presidium. Followed by a pre-trial hearing that discusses setting the trial agenda, discussing and determining trial rules, preparation for the plenary session, and a plenary session that discusses the trial material. Then we continued with preparations for the plenary session, which ratified all the results of the 2024 Unud LMFEB Workshop session. Then, the event closed with the report of the 2024 Unud LMFEB Working Meeting and Workshop Committee as well as remarks from Komang Gd Cahya Wiguna as Chair of the DPM FEB Unud and Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda S.T., M.M., Ph.d., as Dean of FEB Unud. The workshop event closed with the beating of the gong three times, which then ended with a group photo session.
The series of workshops that have been carried out bring hope to all parties regarding the output produced from these activities. "By holding the Unud LMFEB Workshop, it is hoped that the guidelines for student activities (pakem) will become better and clearer so that they can increase student activities within the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University," said Ni Kadek. Ari Vivekananda as Chair of the 2024 Work Meeting and Workshop Committee. The committee, led by the Dean of FEB Unud, hopes that through this activity, LMFEB can synergize and develop until it is able to bring about big changes. "So the development of LMFEB is more modern," he said. (ddk, mhn, mrh)

Author: I Putu Agus Mahendra
Ni Kade Dwi Agustini
Kadek Ayu Mirah Ariyani